Friday 6 April 2012

A woman survived a fall from a plane!

This is one must be one of the craziest stories on our site. Shayna Richardson had turned 21 in May of 2005 and began skydiving fairly often afterwards. On her tenth, and first solo jump, however, everything went terribly wrong. Shayna’s chute failed to deploy shortly after she jumped, at which time she says she panicked. Falling at over 50 mph, Shayna struggled to release her back up parachute, but without any luck. She says that moments before she hit the ground she simply gave up, praying and putting her life in God’s hands asking that He simply, “not let it hurt.”
Shayna struck the ground face first in a parking lot and says she doesn’t remember it at all. Rescuers hurried over to her, expecting her to be dead, but were amazed to see that she wasn’t. Shayna sat up and attempted to move around, until she collapsed. The first thing she remembered was being in the ambulance minutes later. After surviving the fall Shayna had fifteen plates put into her face for multiple fractures, had to undergo four operations, two breaks in her pelvis, and a broken right fibula. Shayna surviving is amazing in itself, but this story gets even more unreal.
In the emergency room after the fall, doctors discovered that she was two weeks pregnant and the baby was unscathed! Experienced divers believe that the fall was more Shayna’s fault than an equipment malfunction, yet the story is still amazing. Today Shayna and her son are both perfectly healthy.

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